Material and commentaries published in the past may or may not be helpful in analyzing current economic or financial market activity. Please note publishing date when reviewing materials.  Please email [email protected] for our current thoughts or to reach an advisor.


Market Commentary


Cumberland Advisors Market Commentary offers insights and analysis on upcoming, important economic issues that potentially impact global financial markets. Our team shares their thinking on global economic developments, market news and other factors that often influence investment opportunities and strategies. Our readers appreciate its timeliness, depth of analysis, and quality of research.

  • Cumberland Advisors’ Friday, December 30, 2022 Week in Review
     Author(s): Cumberland Advisors |

    This week’s video "Sittin' Chilly"

    Dear Clients & Friends,

  • Test of HTML Cleaner
     Author(s): |

    US Stock Market: Point and Counterpoint

    Today we want to take a point and counterpoint approach to considering the valuation of the US stock market.

  • Zika, Polio, Covid Responses
     Author(s): David R. Kotok |

    A number of readers responded to our March 24, 2022, commentary, “Zika, Polio, Covid!” ( We appreciate readers’ thoughtful responses and thank all who chose to reply. We’ve included selected notes below:


  • Monkeypox
     Author(s): David R. Kotok |


    We thank readers for their emails about monkeypox. We have, of course, been keeping an eye on its spread, its characteristics, and its potential for causing disruption. Monkeypox will not be a Covid-style pandemic, if it becomes a pandemic. For starters, Covid spreads by respiratory transmission…



"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
