Cumberland Advisors John Mousseau

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How Federal Tax Reform Has Impacted Real Estate

The short-term effects haven't been as bad as predicted, but local governments are still worried about the long term.
by | May 20, 2019

SALT change has driven some people to make moves and may be slowing some markets.

A couple in Old Tappan, N.J., moved to a nearby town last year to reduce their tax bill by $10,000. Fairfield County, Conn., which has some of the highest property taxes in the nation, has seen a surge in homes going on the market over the last six months. In Florida, where many northeasterners have second homes, there’s been a rush to switch residency to the lower-tax state, says John R. Mousseau, director of fixed income for Cumberland Advisors in Sarasota.

"Almost anyone I talk to here who has a second home is looking to do that trade," he says.

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John R. Mousseau, CFA
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