Investment Philosophy

Cumberland Advisors is different. Our research is independent and so is our thinking. 

We are active managers of fixed income, balanced, and equity strategies that we design in-house.

Read more about our investment philosophy below and review some of our investment strategies. If you want to see if Cumberland Advisors is right for you or your clients, please get in touch.



Our Investment Approach

  • The value of stocks and bonds is enduringly linked to interest rates. Short-term returns on stocks and bonds can vary greatly. However, interest rates eventually dominate that valuation process.
  • The cost of money is the nominal interest rate, which has three components: (1) the “real” interest rate; (2) an expectation of inflation; and (3) a risk premium. These three components vary over time. Ongoing examination of each component and the ways in which they combine to form the nominal rate is essential to understanding investing.
  • Opportunities in the markets are present at all times, especially in the midst of euphoria or hysteria. We strive to make portfolio changes during times of market extremes. Benefits accrue as stocks and bonds eventually move from extremes toward their historically established levels of return.

Learn more about our investment strategy


“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”

Robert Kiyosaki