Cumberland Advisors Market Commentary offers insights and analysis on upcoming, important economic issues that potentially impact global financial markets. Our team shares their thinking on global economic developments, market news and other factors that often influence investment opportunities and strategies. Our readers appreciate its timeliness, depth of analysis, and quality of research.
Author(s): David R. Kotok | Thu June 8, 2017
“… It was difficult getting him in, but once in he lay back in the leather seat, and the leg was stuck straight out to the one side of the seat where Compton sat. Compton started the motor and got in.
Author(s): Michael McNiven, Ph.D. | Tue June 6, 2017
I hear the train a comin'; it's rollin' 'round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck at Folsom Prison and time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps rollin' on down to San Antone
(“Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash)
Author(s): David R. Kotok | Mon June 5, 2017
On the Serengeti, some two million wildebeests are moving in their annual ritual of migration. It is a remarkable sight to behold.
From the tent at the Sabora Grumeti camp, a look out among the Acacia trees reveals hundreds. They include the single bachelors, circling, grunting and…
Author(s): Bill Witherell, Ph.D. | Fri June 2, 2017
The election in the UK is now less than two weeks ahead, on June 8th, followed three days later by the first round of the French parliamentary election on June 11th, with the second and final round on June 18th. An election in Italy, which many did not expect to occur until early 2018, now may…
Author(s): Robert Eisenbeis, Ph.D. | Wed May 31, 2017
The main surprise in the minutes of the FOMC’s May meeting, released last week, was the brief discussion of a staff presentation outlining a proposed approach to normalizing the Fed’s balance sheet when the Fed stops reinvesting maturing securities. Briefly, the proposal is to establish an…
Author(s): David R. Kotok | Thu May 25, 2017
Garrett Graff’s recent article in Politico magazine offers a telling glimpse into the character and ethics of two key players in the investigation of President Trump’s connections to Russia. Flashback to March 2004:
Author(s): David R. Kotok | Sun May 21, 2017
GIC saw a great start to the new year with programs in Philadelphia, Sarasota, and our first event in San Diego, as well as conferences in Singapore and Madrid.
Author(s): David R. Kotok | Sat May 20, 2017
The words are powerful as is the concept. “Obstruction of justice” is a term in law.
Author(s): Bill Witherell, Ph.D | Thu May 18, 2017
The pace of global economic growth is picking up after several years of weak performance. First-quarter results indicated a widespread advance at a modest pace, and leading indicators for the first month of the second quarter confirm the continuation of a solid and broad-based expansion in…
Author(s): John R. Mousseau, CFA | Tue May 16, 2017
President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey sent a shot across Washington’s bow last week. Republicans and Democrats alike questioned the timing of the action and professed unease with the firing. Where the fallout from this episode ends up is open to speculation. Whether Congress…